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Guardians of the Galaxy 银河护卫队 剧情简介
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银河护卫队 Guardians of the Galaxy

In 1988, following his mother's death, a young Peter Quill is abducted from Earth by the Ravagers, a group of space pirates led by Yondu Udonta. Twenty-six years later on the planet Morag, Quill steals an orb, after which he is intercepted by Korath, a subordinate to the fanatical Kree, Ronan. Although Quill escapes with the orb, Yondu discovers his theft and issues a bounty for his capture, while Ronan sends the assassin Gamora after the orb.

When Quill attempts to sell the orb on the Nova Empire capital world, Xandar, Gamora ambushes him and steals it. A fight ensues, drawing in a pair of bounty hunters: the genetically engineered raccoon Rocket, and the tree-like humanoid Groot. The Nova Corps arrives and arrests all four, imprisoning them in the Kyln. While there, a powerful inmate, Drax, attempts to kill Gamora due to her association with Ronan, who killed his family. Quill dissuades him by saying that Gamora can bring Ronan to him, at which point Gamora reveals that she has betrayed Ronan, unwilling to let him use the orb's power to destroy entire planets such as Xandar. Learning that Gamora has a buyer for the orb, she, Quill, Rocket, Groot, and Drax work together to escape from the Kyln.

Elsewhere, Ronan meets with Gamora's adoptive father, Thanos, to discuss her betrayal and the loss of the orb. Accompanied by Drax, Quill's group escapes the Kyln in his ship – the Milano – and flee to Knowhere, a remote criminal outpost in space built in the giant severed-head of a Celestial. A drunken Drax summons Ronan while the rest of the group meet Gamora's contact, the collector Taneleer Tivan. Tivan opens the orb, revealing an Infinity Stone, an item of immeasurable power that destroys all but the most powerful beings who wield it. Suddenly, Tivan's tormented assistant grabs the Stone, triggering an explosion that engulfs Tivan's archive.

Ronan arrives and easily defeats Drax, while the others flee by ship, pursued by Ronan's followers and Gamora's sister Nebula. Nebula destroys Gamora's ship, leaving her floating in space, and Ronan's forces leave with the sphere. Quill contacts Yondu before following Gamora into space, giving her his helmet to survive; Yondu arrives and retrieves the pair. Rocket, Drax, and Groot threaten to attack Yondu's ship to rescue them, but Quill negotiates a truce by convincing Yondu that they can recover the orb. The group agrees that facing Ronan means certain death, yet despite that they also understand they must stop him from using the Infinity Stone to destroy the galaxy. On Ronan's flagship, the Dark Aster, Ronan embeds the Stone in his warhammer, taking its power for himself. He contacts Thanos, threatening to kill him after the destruction of Xandar; hateful of her adopted father, Nebula allies with Ronan.

Near Xandar, the Dark Aster is confronted by the Ravagers, the Nova Corps, and Quill's group, with Quill's group breaching the Dark Aster. While Ronan uses his empowered warhammer to destroy the Nova Corps fleet, Drax kills Korath. On the Dark Aster, after Gamora defeats Nebula (who escapes), she unlocks Ronan's chambers, but the group finds themselves outmatched by his power until Rocket crashes the Milano through the Dark Aster and into Ronan. The damaged Dark Aster crash-lands on Xandar, with Groot sacrificing himself to shield the group. Ronan emerges from the wreck and prepares to destroy Xandar, but Quill distracts him, allowing Drax and Rocket to destroy Ronan's warhammer. Quill grabs the freed Stone, and with Gamora, Drax, and Rocket sharing its burden, they use it to disintegrate Ronan.

In the aftermath, Quill tricks Yondu into taking a container supposedly containing the Stone, then gives the real Stone to the Nova Corps. As the Ravagers leave Xandar, Yondu remarks that it turned out well that they did not deliver Quill to his father per their contract. Quill's group, now known as the Guardians of the Galaxy, have their criminal records expunged, and Quill learns that he is only half-human, his father being part of an ancient, unknown species. Quill finally opens the last present he received from his mother: a cassette tape filled with her favorite songs. The Guardians leave in the rebuilt Milano along with a sapling cut from Groot.

In a post-credits scene, Tivan sits in his destroyed archive with two of his living exhibits: a canine cosmonaut and an anthropomorphic duck.


1988年,彼得·奎尔少年丧母,他遭一伙名叫“劫掠者”(Ravagers)的太空海盗绑架而离开地球,这伙人的头目名叫勇度(迈克尔·鲁克 饰演)。离开地球23年之后,在一个名叫莫拉格的星球上,长大成人的奎尔(克里斯·帕拉特 饰演)偷走了一块神秘球体。之后他遭到科拉斯(杰曼·翰苏 饰演)的追捕,这个人听命于来自克里星的“指控者”罗南(李·佩斯 饰演)。
  奎尔侥幸逃走,但成了通缉犯,勇度悬赏捉拿他,而罗南也派出灭霸的养女卡魔拉(佐伊·索尔达娜 饰演)追杀奎尔。奎尔来到新星军团的大本营山达尔(Xandar)星球,打算卖出神秘球体,但是被卡魔拉抢走。这时一对赏金猎手,树精格鲁特(文·迪塞尔 配音)与火箭浣熊(布莱德利·库珀 配音)也盯上了奎尔。他们四人都被新星军团逮捕,被投进克林星际监狱。
  在监狱,他们结识了一名叫做德拉克斯(戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 饰演)的牢友。此人能力强大,在听说卡魔拉是罗南手下后对她充满恶意,因为罗南曾经残害了他的全家。奎尔说服德拉克斯,可以通过卡魔拉来让罗南现身。这时,卡魔拉坦白她已背叛罗南,因为她不愿意看到罗南利用球体的魔力毁掉包括仙达尔在内的所有星球。接下来,卡魔拉与奎尔、格鲁特和火箭浣熊越狱成功,外出寻找球体的买家。
  另一边,罗南见到了卡魔拉的养父——巨人灭霸(乔什·布洛林 饰演),告知他卡魔拉的叛变以及球体不知所终。逃出监狱的奎尔和同伴们驾驶米兰洛( Milano)号飞船抵达诺威尔(Knowhere),这是宇宙中不法之徒们常落脚的据点。奎尔见到了收集者塔纳利尔·提冯(本尼西奥·德尔·托罗 饰演),打算将球体卖给他。球体被打开后,发现里面装着拥有毁灭一切之能力的无限原石(Infinity Stone)。然而就在这时,女助手却抓住了原石,它的强大能力毁掉了提冯的藏品陈列室。
  德拉克斯报仇心切引来罗南,无奈不是罗南的对手。罗南的手下以及卡魔拉的妹妹星云(凯伦·吉兰 饰演)都在追寻奎尔的行踪。卡魔拉的飞船被击中,她漂到星空中,生死未卜,球体也落入了罗南手中。奎尔不惜冒着生命的危险前去搭救卡魔拉,最终二人都被勇度抓走。奎尔和勇度达成协议,将合作从罗南的手中夺回球体。

  在罗南的飞船暗黑星(Dark Aster)号上,他将无限原石嵌入了战锤,这样就能拥有原石的无限力量。他威胁灭霸,将在毁灭山达尔之后找灭霸算账,而星云由于对养父的怨恨决定与罗南结盟。
  在山达尔附近, 暗黑星号与劫掠者、新星军团以及奎尔一行人展开激战。罗南利用无限宝石毁灭了新星军团的舰队。卡魔拉打败星云,打开罗南的密室,但无法与罗南相抗衡。这时多亏火箭浣熊驾驶着米拉诺撞向暗黑星号,将其损毁,坠向山达尔。




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