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魏老师英语辅导热线 1315686580118561608852  微信/QQ909047956





2017青岛中考英语真题】10. -___________do you go to a movie?

-Twice a week.

                           A. How long     B. How soon   C. How often      D. How far

【答案】C how often询问频率

【魏老师中考英语考前押题】63. ---___________ do you surf the Internet?

                               ---Three times a week.

                           A. How far       B. How long   C. How much D. How often

【答案】D how often询问频率

2017青岛中考英语真题】5. Jack’s mother was so tired. She fell asleep ____________she lay down on the bed.

                          A. until               B. as soon as         C. unless              D. although

【答案】B as soon as…………

魏老师中考英语考前押题150. I knew there was something wrong______________ I saw her run out of the door sadly.

                         A. as soon as      B. till                      C. if                      D. unless

【答案】A as soon as…………


2017青岛中考英语真题】7. -Can I come today or tomorrow?

-___________ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow.

   A. Either             B. Neither             C. Each             D. None

【答案】B. 考查代词neitherneither表示“两者当中任何一个都不”。

【魏老师中考英语考前押题】105. ---Which one would you choose?

---__________. They're both terrible.

A. Either             B. None                  C. Neither   D. Both

【答案B. 考查代词neitherneither表示“两者当中任何一个都不”。

2017青岛中考英语真题】8. ___________ we work at English, the better grades we will get.

A. Harder            B. The hardest        C. Hardest   D. The harder

【答案】D 考查the more…, the more…结构,表示“越……,就越……”。

【魏老师中考英语考前押题71. He is an interesting person. The more you know him, ____________ you will like him.

A. the less             B. the most             C. the more  D. much more

【答案】C 考查the more…, the more…结构,表示“越……,就越……”。

2017青岛中考英语真题】15. -Excuse me, do you know____________?

-On foot.

A. what Alice came to do                  B. where Alice came from

C. how Alice came here                   D. who Alice came with

【答案】C 考查询问方式的宾语从句。


Do you know ___________?
Yes. He came here by train.
 A. when he came here                      B. if he will come here
 C. why he came here                       D. how he came here

【答案】D 考查询问方式的宾语从句。

2017青岛中考英语真题】2. My father gave me a bike on my _____________birthday.  

                         A. ten                     B. a tenth                C. the tenth          D. tenth


当序数词前有形容词性的物主代词如my, his, her, your等修饰时,其前不加冠词。


7.They will have a party to celebrate his _________40birthday.


当序数词前有形容词性的物主代词如my, his, her, your等修饰时,其前不加冠词。


2017青岛中考英语真题】The hotel is ____________ (在......后面)the police station.


【魏老师中考英语考前押题】6. As hard as she tried, she always fell _________(在......后面)the other swimmers in the races.


2017青岛中考英语真题】The exam is very important to us, so we must take it ___________(严肃地).


【魏老师中考英语考前押题】9. He doesn't take anything _________(严肃). It’s all one big joke to him. 




魏老师英语辅导热线 1315686580118561608852  微信/QQ909047956




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